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Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP)

Bangkok Hair Clinic > Hair Growth Programmes > Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP therapy is a special hair restoration treatment using concentrated growth factors from your own blood. Platelets are collected and concentrated over 4 times above normal levels in a centrifuge to achieve high levels of growth factors that will help stimulate hair growth and rejuvenate weak hair follicles. At Bangkok Hair Clinic, we use the latest available PRP technology from Korea, producing concentrated growth factors 12-17 times above that found in blood. This is the highest available in the market. Follicles become stronger and produce thicker shafts that create a denser, more natural hair appearance.

What is Hair PRP and How Does It Help?

Our PRP or platelet-rich plasma hair restoration treatment is a distillation of growth factors from your plasma without any additional chemicals or medication. After drawing your blood, we centrifuge it using our own special protocol to separate the different blood components (white blood cells, red cells, and platelets). Then, we extract the concentrated PRP from these layers, which is 12-17 times the concentration of that found in blood. The PRP extracted is then injected into an area of the scalp at a specific depth and volume controlled by our doctors.

PRP mimics the body’s natural healing process by providing the necessary growth factors to stimulate and repair root hair cells and increase blood flow to the scalp. Through this process, stronger and thicker hairs are produced, with visible results seen as early as within one month.

Our PRP treatment for hair loss also improves the overall health of your existing hair and leads to fuller and thicker hair that can become noticeable as early as three months after your initial treatment. Within six months to a year, you should be the proud owner of a thick and healthy head of hair.

Who is Suitable for PRP Hair Treatments?

Every treatment at Bangkok Hair Clinic begins with a thorough consultation. We’ll describe our platelet-rich hair restoration treatment in detail and help you decide whether it’s the best hair loss treatment for you.

PRP treatment for hair loss is suitable for patients of all ages and genders and can be used in combination with other treatments to produce impressive results. It provides the nutrients your hair needs for strong, resilient growth. Many patients suffer from a dry scalp, which is characterized by itching and unsightly dandruff. PRP hair treatments used with a moisturizing treatment can provide lustrous, thick hair with a healthy, dandruff-free scalp. Patients with the following hair issues will also greatly benefit from PRP hair treatments:

  • Global hair loss
  • Thin, friable hair
  • Thinning crown
  • Flat, lifeless hair
  • Those who are unsuitable for transplantation
  • Those who don’t want to take medication
PRP hair treatment is made from your own blood.

Why Have PRP Hair Treatment?

  • Safe procedure using your own blood
  • No risk of infection
  • No risk of cancer
  • Significant results consistently proven with research
  • Able to use on skin, fat, and muscle cells

What Are Growth Factors and What Do They Do?

Growth factors are a natural substance capable of healing, differentiating and proliferating cells. They are secreted from platelets as a response to damage within the body. Over 12 essential growth factors for your hair found in PRP can help:

  • Stimulate cell growth
  • Repair blood vessels
  • Produce of collagen
  • Generate new blood vessels
  • Generate new keratinocytes
  • Promote wound healing
  • Add HYA to hold moisture

These growth factors initiate the repair and rejuvenation of your root hair cells and begin replacing weak hairs with stronger ones. Your hair, as well as your scalp, benefits from the PRP hair treatment. A healthier, nutrient-rich scalp encourages hair growth and retains your existing hair longer.

How Is the PRP Hair Treatment Created?

  • 22cc of blood is taken from the patient
  • It is placed in the MINOS PRP vial
  • Blood is centrifuged to separate blood components
  • Concentrated growth factor is extracted
  • PRP is injected into the scalp
A centrifuge separates the blood components.

Why have PRP Hair Treatment at Bangkok Hair Clinic?

  • We use premium PRP for hair treatments imported from Korea that provides the highest concentration of growth factor in the market
  • Our lab-tested protocol produces PRP that is concentrated 12-17 times above what is found in blood Other protocols may only produce a concentration of 4-6 times
  • Patients can rest assured that our PRP is effective
  • We use a closed system so there is no risk of infection
  • After PRP is done, you may continue your daily routine as normal

How to Prepare Yourself for PRP Hair Treatment

  • Drink lots of water the day before and the day of the treatment
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages one week prior to the procedure
  • Avoid NSAIDs and steroids one month prior to the procedure

During your PRP hair loss treatment, you may experience some mild discomfort, including soreness and swelling in the injection area. These side effects usually disappear within a day or two.

After your treatment, you should not apply any hair products for at least six hours, and you should take a hot shower and wash your hair to encourage the effects of the PRP. You should avoid swimming, saunas and steam rooms for two days and alcohol, smoking, and caffeine for three days.

Our PRP Programme for Hair Loss

Our doctors recommend a course of 3-5 PRP injections depending on your condition. The injections are done once every 3-4 weeks to allow time for the cells to repair and grow. Maintenance injections are recommended every 6-12 months. Research has shown over 50% of patients notice significant improvements after their first injection.

PRP Hair Treatment Pricing

Every person’s treatment is tailored to their individual needs. Our PRP hair treatment pricing starts at 15,000 THB per session. Patients interested in our PRP hair treatment should schedule a consultation with one of our doctors, who can examine your needs and provide you with an estimate of how many sessions you’ll require. Get in contact with us today to find out more.


Question: How do the FUE and DHI hair transplantation techniques differ?
The difference between FUE and DHI hair transplantation lies in the choice of tools used to implant the hair grafts into the scalp.

FUE Hair Transplantation: The doctor uses a small drilling tool to extract hair grafts one by one without needing to cut a strip of scalp. Then, for the transplantation, the doctor uses tweezers or a special hair planting tool to implant the grafts into the scalp individually.

DHI Hair Transplantation: The doctor uses a special tool to separate the hair grafts from the scalp without drilling holes. Then, an Implanter Pen is used to implant the hair grafts into the scalp individually. This method reduces bruising during the implantation process. Moreover, medical research clearly indicates that using an Implanter Pen can increase the survival rate of the hair grafts, reduce the surgery time, and result in thicker hair.

For those who do not want to undergo surgery, PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) hair transplantation is an option. This method involves injecting a concentration of the patient’s own platelets to stimulate hair by promoting collagen production, enhancing the health of hair follicle cells, improving blood circulation, and extending the lifespan of the hair follicles.

Question: What is the “First out, First in” method for increasing the survival rate of hair follicle cells?
At Bangkok Hair Clinic, we have a specific technique developed by our experts. We have developed a special container to organize the grafts to ensure that the hair grafts extracted first from the scalp are also implanted back first. This minimizes the time these grafts spend outside the body. Furthermore, we use a special solution imported from abroad to store the grafts. When hair grafts are in this solution, their condition is as close to being in the body as possible, maintaining their integrity before being reimplanted. This ensures that the results of hair transplantation at Bangkok Hair Clinic are highly effective.

FUE Shaven FUE Non-Shaven DHI
Shaving Required Full shaving of donor area No shaving of donor area (discreet) No shaving of recipient area needed
Procedure Time Generally shorter (due to shaving) Longer (more precise extraction) Longest (due to direct implantation)
Healing Time 7-10 days for visible recovery Similar to Shaven FUE Faster healing with minimal trauma
Implantation Technique Follicles extracted, then implanted Same as FUE Shaven Direct implantation using a specialized pen
Scarring Minimal dot scarring, usually hidden Minimal scarring, better hidden No scarring (implants done immediately)
Ideal for Patients comfortable with shaving Patients wanting discreet procedure Precision required for maximum density
Cost Moderate Higher (due to time/precision) Generally highest (due to technique)
Precision High High Highest (due to direct placement control)
Natural Look High (depends on surgeon’s skill) High (with good donor hair) Most natural due to direct placement
Post-op Care Standard FUE post-care routine Same as FUE Shaven Easier recovery, minimal touch required
Recovery Time 1-2 weeks Similar to Shaven FUE Shorter recovery, less inflammation

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