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Get Effective Treatment for Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the most common problems in the world. It affects around 85% of men and over 33% of women. However, there are now many treatments for hair loss, depending on the cause.

The first step when you begin to notice an increase in falling hair is to visit a doctor at a clinic specializing in hair loss to find out the root cause. For hair loss treatment in Thailand, Bangkok Hair Clinic provides hair restoration and nourishment services as well as hair transplants. Our doctors will perform a physical exam and ask you about your family medical history. They may also offer tests to rule out specific causes.

Many people learn that their hair loss is due to pattern baldness, which affects up to 95% of all men exhibiting baldness. However, other factors can also cause hair loss, including illness, stress, lifestyle and diet.

Once the cause is determined, the specialist will explain your treatment choices. Hair loss treatments generally involve one of two approaches: medications or hair growth procedures. There are also two types of medications for hair loss: over-the-counter (OTC) medications and hair regrowth medications.

OTC Medications

OTC medications are usually topical. They come in a lotion or shampoo and contain ingredients such as:

  • Azelaic acid
  • Biotin
  • Collagen
  • Essential oils
  • Zinc

Your doctor will usually recommend that you start with these medications and use them for a recommended amount of time. If they aren’t producing any results, the next step is to try hair regrowth medications, different clinical treatments, or opt for a hair transplant. We’ll explain each of the options in more detail.

Pattern baldness affects 95% of all men

Hair Regrowth Medications

These are two prescription medications, Finasteride and Minoxidil, which can be a long-term solution to hair loss.


Minoxidil is usually sold under the brand name Rogaine and is used topically by men and women. Minoxidil, for men, is intended for gradually thinning hair. It isn’t intended for people with a receding hairline or frontal baldness. Minoxidil is most effective for women when its use starts in the early stages of female pattern baldness.


Finasteride is an oral medication used to treat pattern baldness in men. It works by decreasing the amount of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in your body, which causes increased hair growth on your head without affecting hair growth in other areas of the body.

Hair Growth Procedures

Bangkok Hair Clinic offers three hair loss treatments and three hair transplant techniques that can solve your hair loss problems.

PRP Injections

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) consists of a growth factor made from your own plasma that’s injected into your scalp to help stimulate hair root cells to grow strong and think hair. Suitable patients for PRP injections include those with male pattern baldness and those with overall thinning hair.

We recommend 3-5 injections once every 3-4 weeks to start. This gives the scalp a chance to receive continuous nutrients. After that, injections are given every 6 months to 1 year to maintain a full head of hair.

Low-level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

Low-level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a process that uses photo-bio-stimulation to stimulate the hair roots by exposing them to low-energy laser light to increase cellular function and blood circulation. The areas receiving the treatment gain a better exchange of nutrients and oxygen. This results in stronger and thicker hair growth in the affected areas.

Cell Plus Therapy

Cell Plus Therapy is a transplant technique that removes healthy, living hair root cells from the back of the head, transplants them to thinning areas on the scalp, and stimulates them to grow. The healthy hair root cells also stimulate the remaining cells in the thinning areas to grow and produce new, strong hair. The therapy also causes the patient’s hair to fall out less in the treated areas.

FUE Shaven Hair Transplant

This hair transplant technique is used worldwide and has the highest rate of hair growth compared to the other techniques. Shaving the scalp increases the success rate of the transplantations. The FUE technique does not cut the scalp to transplant the grafts, so there is no scarring, and the patient can resume their normal life the next day.

FUE Non-shaven Hair Transplant

The non-shaven transplant is the most advanced FUE transplant technique. This technique does not involve shaving the head of the donor area but trimming it to look normal. The hair follicles are then transplanted to the thinning area and inserted between the existing hairs. This is a painstaking technique, taking longer than the FUE Shaven technique, but it preserves the appearance of a full head of hair throughout the procedure.

DHI Hair Transplant (FUE with an Implanter)

This Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) technique is the most effective innovation in hair transplantations. It involves the permanent transfer of hair root cells and hair grafts from the donor area to the recipient area. The technique uses a Lion Implanter from Korea to reduce the trauma to the hair roots and increase the success rate of the grafts. The small wound caused by the implanter is also smaller than that of the other FUE procedures.

Visit Bangkok Hair Clinic

To fully understand the viable options for your hair loss treatment, visit one of the most experienced hair loss clinics in Bangkok. Make an appointment at Bangkok Hair Clinic for an examination and consultation.

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