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Demystifying Hair Problems and Solutions

Common hair problems are frustrating to deal with. Immediate hair problems always seem to happen at the most inopportune times, and longer-term problems may not respond to a known treatment.

It’s important that you deal with any hair problems as gently but effectively as possible. Take the advice of professionals over that of friends and family. This will help prevent today’s hair problems from turning into tomorrow’s hair loss issues.

Hair Problems and Solutions

Read on to discover the solutions to ten of the most common hair problems.

1. Dandruff

Dandruff is a scalp problem caused by the Malassezi Globosa fungus. It breaks down oil in your scalp to create leic acid, which irritates the scalp and causes the signature flakes and itchy scalp of dandruff. It can’t be cured overnight, but it responds well to apple cider vinegar or tea tree, neem, or lemon oil. These can remove the excess oil and dirt causing the dandruff.

2. Oily Scalp

An oily scalp occurs when your sebaceous glands become overactive, usually due to overwashing, poor hair care, or seasonal weather changes. Washing your hair with a quality shampoo can clean out clogged pores, and a clarifying shampoo can be used for stubborn cases.

3. Frizzy Hair

Frizzy hair is a sign of a lack of moisture. Ironically, humidity makes frizzy hair worse as broken, dry hair absorbs moisture through the hair ends and swells up. Try washing your hair less often and avoiding the use of hot water. After washing the hair, apply Argan oil to replenish moisture in your hair.

4. Dry Scalp

If your scalp develops a dry itch, it can be because you’re overwashing your hair, which leads to a dry scalp. Your hair can also then become brittle and prone to breaking. Try cutting down on how often you wash your hair. You can also use Argan oil to form a protective layer on your scalp that retains moisture. Aloe vera can also help hydrate your hair and scalp.

5. Split Ends

Split ends occur when the ends of your hair become frayed. This can happen from negligent hair grooming, harsh weather, chemical treatments, and even your hairdryer. Avoid exposing your hair to heat and increase the iron, zinc and proteins in your diet. Essential oils can restore moisture and the frying of hair shafts.

6. Hair Dye Damage

Chemicals in hair dye open the hair shafts, allowing the dye to penetrate the hair. This can leave hair dry, brittle, and frizzy. Before dying your hair, you should always do a patch test on a small section to ensure it can handle the treatment. You can restore your hair by using a color-protecting shampoo followed by a nourishing conditioner.

7. Heat Damaged Hair

Your hair can become heat-damaged if you spend a lot of time out in the sun and wind or if you blow dry it regularly. These effects force your hair to release moisture and damage the cuticle. Allow your hair to dry naturally, and apply Argan oil to restore the moisture in your scalp. Make a moisturizing conditioner a regular part of your hair-care routine.

8. Hair Fall from a Hormonal Imbalance

Severe stress, menopause, and other life events can cause hormonal changes that result in temporary hair loss. Lowering stress levels, changing to a healthier diet and lifestyle, hydrating, and using gentle hair products are all methods of combating hair loss due to hormonal changes.

9. Dull Hair

Poor hair care and harsh hair products are usually the cause of dull hair. Repeated exposure to the elements can worsen the condition. A clarifying shampoo, along with eating a healthy diet containing Omega 3 fatty acids, can be an effective remedy to dull hair.

10. Hair Loss

A considers solutions to his hair loss problems

Hair loss is normal to a certain extent. But when hair loss becomes excessive, it could be caused by something specific. Changing your lifestyle to eliminate stress and eating healthier can temporarily stop the hair loss, but the problem can be beyond your ability to completely fix.

Visit Bangkok Hair Clinic

If you notice the telltale signs of pattern baldness or significant hair loss, make an appointment for an examination and consultation at Bangkok Hair Clinic.

We offer treatments to nourish and restore hair that include:

  • PRP injections
  • Cell Plus Therapy
  • Laser Hair Restoration (LLLT)

We also provide three types of hair transplant surgeries, including:

  • FUE Shaven Hair Transplant
  • FUE Non-shaven Hair Transplant
  • DHI Hair Transplant (FUE with an implanter)

Whether you’re interested in restoring and preserving your hair or hair transplantation, schedule an appointment today at Bangkok Hair Clinic for a solution to your hair problem.

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